So, just a little update from my posts last year. HR Designs has officially moved to Chattanooga! Our move was not for either of our jobs specifically but just for the excitement of being able to pick where we’d like to live (if you didn’t know…Chattanooga was just named ‘Best Town Ever’ by Outside Magazine) and a city that was conducive to starting my HR Consulting business. If my husband had his way we’d be living in the middle of nowhere. 🙂
The more I learn about Chattanooga the more I’m falling in love with being here in East Tennessee, starting my business here, and helping other small business owners exercise their human resources capabilities.
I will have to say I was challenged earlier this year with a few professional opportunities that came my way…but after lots of prayer and talking with my husband, I am back on track and focused more than ever on helping business owners maximize their return on having a Human Resources strategy in place.
It sometimes takes a forward thinking business owner to invest in their longer-term human capital needs when there are so many other immediate needs/expenses filing in. I can assure you, and not just because I’m an HR consultant, that employees will have more appreciation and employers will have more peace of mind having an HR ‘go to’ resource whether in-house or on a retainer basis.
We will be introducing a new series next that explores ‘The Value Proposition of an HR Consultant’. For the typical business owner, I think we will unveil benefits that are sometimes hidden beneath the surface. Stay tuned!
Hey Chattanooga, if you need assistance with your Human Resources needs in recruiting, performance management, or even effective employee communication strategies, give us a call at 423-521-0657 or drop us a line. We’d love to hear from you!
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